Hello, and welcome to RussellHollander.com. Today is the official launch date of my official website. I’ll be using this website as an on-line resume, as well as a place for me to post information and insights on my interests, including technology, business, finance, economics, and entrepreneurship.
I’m excited to start this phase of my on-line presence, and I hope you find the content I will be producing to be interesting and useful.
You can follow me on Twitter @russhollander and become a fan on Facebook. At some point in the future I’ll be adding a YouTube channel and a podcast feature.
Thanks for visiting my site, and feel free to comment below or send feedback via my Contact page.
Have a good one.
12/06/2010 at 13:08
Interesting page. I look forward to the future postings. Good luck. Love you.
12/06/2010 at 13:15
Thanks for the vote of confidence, Grandma. Check back this evening for another post.
This comment posted from my EVO 4G.